Annual Wellness Visits
Chronic Disease Solutions can implement a Medicare Annual Wellness program in your office. We can manage everything from scheduling the wellness appointments to performing the examinations. The average reimbursement for a Medicare AWV is $111.00.
Private Insurance Wellness
Chronic Disease Solutions offers a variety of in office diagnostic testing which will broaden the scope of services, enhance patient satisfaction and add revenue to your practice. Most insurance companies cover preventative testing as part of the patient’s annual wellness visit. The average reimbursement is approximately $350.00 per patient for those who undergo two or three of these tests.
Endopat is a non-invasive test which evaluates the level of the Endothelial Function. This diagnostic device is for functional vascular health assessment for both large and small arteries.
A non-invasive test that shows the health of the lungs. This includes how well a patient is able to breathe and how effective the lungs bring oxygen to the rest of the body.
The MedGem indirect calorimeter is a FDA 510K-cleared Class II medical device that accurately measures oxygen consumption (VO2) to determine resting metabolic rate (RMR)
The Electrocardiogram is a diagnostic tool that measures and records the electrical activity of the heart. It assists with diagnosis of a wide range of heart conditions.
Psychological testing measures the likelihood for depression, anxiety, alcohol and substance abuse and other common psychological issues affecting patient’s health and well being.

Smoking Cessation
Chronic Disease Solutions offers a free smoking cessation program for residents of Louisiana who started smoking before September 1, 1988.
Participants can expect to receive:
- A Physician evaluation;
- Medications prescribed by your Physician;
- Individual counseling; and
- A quit line available 24/7 to help you quit smoking.
For additional information on services or eligibility, call us at (337) 205-5989 and select option 2.
Advance Care Planning
When life presents challenging events, especially serious illness, we need to have the opportunity to express our concerns and wishes about end-of-life issues. Chronic Disease Solutions (CDS) offers this opportunity for a conversation with understanding and a compassionate presence. Advance Care Planning (ACP) helps to design a medical treatment plan for healthcare providers, our families, and caregivers to know our wishes during a terminal illness when we are no longer able to make decisions for ourselves. Medicare reimburses $86.00 for the first thirty (30) min and $75.00 for each additional thirty (30) min face to face visit.
Healthcare Power of Attorney
The Healthcare Power of Attorney designates an individual of our choice who is authorized to make decisions for us when we are no longer able to make decisions for ourselves. It is recommended that the Healthcare Power of Attorney be completed prior to a known serious illness. It must be signed by the individual designating and witnessed by two people. It does not need to be notarized.
Living Will
The Living Will is a legal document specifying what kind of medical treatment should be given to us when we are no longer able to make decisions for ourselves and are terminally ill. It is written according to our personal wishes and may be vague or specific. It is also to be written while we are able to make decisions. Therefore, the advance directive is often completed prior to a known serious illness. It must be signed by the individual and witnessed by two people. It does not need to be notarized.